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Dysphoria, Euphoria, and Transition

Dysphoria is, in this context, is the feeling of discomfort somone has due to the mismatch between their current body/experience and internal identity.
Euphoria is considered to be the opposite: a feeling of comfort, wholeness, and joy in someone's internal identity matching their external one.
Transition is the change (or changes) someone makes to allieviate dysphoria or have euphoria.
Not everyone experiences both euphoria and dysphoria - some report having only dysphoria or only euphoria.
And not everyone transitions the same - some transition a lot, some only a little, and some don't. Transition can be limited by social circumstances, financial reasons, technology not being yet available.

Ways People Transition and Alleivate Dysphoria
I'm no professional, but this is a list of things that might help if you are transID. Based on personal experience and those of others. This page is a bit barebones at the moment.

Stuff that Works Generally for Everyone

Social transition

Medical transition Legal transition

You can find more resources if you look for “how to connect to theriotype/kintype” on the internet. There's a big community for being transspecies and otherkin that doesn't consider itself a part of the transID umbrella.


Things to make you feel like you are in your environment

Researching about your species


Eating foods that your species eats (preferrably only if safe)

Style changes

Using different language Doing different activities

Researching about desired culture/country

Small things related to changing appearance

Some accessories can help with body parts feeling different or not having to see them.

Researching ways you might have learned to work around your desired abilities / Learning how to use the undesired ability less

Transblind Transdeaf/HoH Transmute Transcolorblind