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Other Questions

Q: Is being trans-younger an excuse to abuse children?
A: No. Though someone may appear as a child on the inside, it is never an excuse to abuse children who are likely lacking in experience, knowledge, power, and development. Sexual abuse is never okay, if done by someone (chronologically) older or even a peer (known as “child-on-child sexual abuse”).
This idea became more popular after a 4Chan trolling campaign about “clovergender.”

Q: Should transidentity people use slurs exclusive to the group they identify with? (such as transblack people and the N-word)
A: Note: I am White by genetics and have not being percieved as a person of color to my knowledge. Most of what is written here is based on the opinions of others. Though there are some slurs I can reclaim, I generally don’t use them much.
Though it is generally accepted for transgender people to use slurs of their associated gender, it is not as accepted for other identities. One example commonly brought up is transBlack (usually White-to-Black) people and the N-word. Because they likely have less or no experience being percieved by society as Black, most would argue that they don’t have the right to reclaim racial slurs.